"Politik needs votes, politik needs your mind, politik needs human beings, politik needs lies." Manu Chao Politik Kills, La Radiolina.
Politics can overwhelm, consume and confuse. It takes something like a revolution to cut through rhetoric and narrative and see for yourself, as a perfectly competent individual, what's really going on. We've just had the revolution. Cumulatively, we are more organized and more alert than ever before. We can help each other raise the collective consciousness to an unprecedented level. One strategy lies in the donation of time. We are sabotaged by either sensational or at least easily digestible distractions and roadblocks which can prevent us from fully understanding countless issues. Additionally, we are hard pressed to choose from endless sources competing for our time with information that all claims to be the most critical. Many of us just don't have the time to sort through all of this and shake out the relevant stuff. There is plenty of information. The internet, like the encyclopedia, makes knowledge attainable for all of us. We are limited, however, by time and discipline. If you are interested in joining me in an effort to streamline the essentials of information in a collective effort to become informed quickly and efficiently, please email me at tracydulcemia@gmail.com Together we can make politics something that doesn't have to intimidate or overwhelm because 'Politik', when left to only a few, can kill.