Facts are essential for refutation, and refutation is the best course for debate. Debate is powerful when used to navigate any narrative directed by the Republican Noise Machine. While republicans send their spin down the talk radio pipelines and the spin gets planted in the narrative when it appears on network channels as news, democrats can address this narrative not just in dialogue but also debate. There are think tanks at work right now driving the GOP attack narrative while simultaneously brainstorming for definition and direction. It was a grass roots movement that brought about our most impressive moment in history. Collectively, we are a grass roots think tank. Building a broad fact basis takes time. I think a good place to start is with the following list. As an exercise in fact building, why not challenge ourselves to know everything we can on each person on this list. As a result, we will undoubtedly be ready to begin mastering refutation.
people to know well - a primer for refutation
Barack Obama
Michelle Obama
Robert Gates
Thomas Daschle
Hillary Clinton
Shaun Donovan
Nancy Pelosi
Tom Vilsak
Judd Gregg
Arne Duncan
Stephen Chu
Ken Salazar
Eric Holder Jr.
Timothy Geithner
Ray Lahood
Eric Shinseki
James Carville
Susan Rice
Ray LaHood
Hilda Solis
Janet Napolitano
David Axelrod
Pete Rouse
Rahm Emanuel
Valerie Jarrett
Caroline Kennedy
Ted Kennedy
Dennis Kucinich
Al Giordano
John Roberts
Samuel Alito
Stephen Breyer
Ruth Bader Ginsburg
Anthony Kennedy
Antonin Scalia
David Hackett Souter
John Paul Stevens
Clarence Thomas