I woke up this morning so …. Awake!
The American dream is opium-like. When I’m dreaming the American dream, I’m out. It’s intense. I am heady. I am thinking about my daughter’s shoes, my son’s birthday, my Spanish water doggie’s tricks, my clothes, my vacations, my furniture, my car and my tunes. God, I really love my tunes. I’m also thinking about social justice, abuse victims, my responsibilities, my commitments, my politics, my work, my morals and my principals while I’m dreaming the dream. These are lucid American dreams.
But today, Health Care Reform passed, and I'm awake. Climbing out of my coma-like limited comprehension of health care reform began many months ago and ended last night almost simultaneously with the vote. I recommend the following for a good strong happy HCR buzz.
See the video readily available on Paul Hipp's site home page. We're number 37 is short and witty. Hipp's parodies are clever. He draws inspiration from Johnny Cash and the Beatles. He can write some songs about politics, true dat.
Listen to Keith Olbermann's special comment on death panels. He’s pissed about his father’s illness, and you can identify with Olbermann on this issue. His delivery is poignant.
Read about health care reform as proposed by my president. It’s his proposal, and it is not unwise to read his explanation of his proposal. Don’t expect to feel yourself coming out of the dream state yet. We live with so many distractions and deep seated perceptions, we don’t rise above them into clairvoyance without some effort.
And see the film Sicko by Michael Moore. Straight up, I have to say I like his work. But I identify with those who hesitate. He can be hard to watch. He's like Quentin Tarantino that way. Always worth it. What's so excellent about Sicko, is that you don't even have to cover your eyes, like you do in some of Moore's (and Tarantino's) films, if you're a little sensitive. Sicko, you get to watch con los ojos abiertos.
Lastly, listen to Je t’aime moi non plus back to back with Street Fighting Man, or anything else off the Sicko soundtrack, and tell me you don’t feel like you've just had a double espresso!